Raiz-a-bac is a supplementary coil spring suspension kit
Designed to work in conjunction with existing rear leaf springs to provide enhanced safety, drivability, comfort, and performance.
Would you like to improve your vehicles stability when loaded? Would you like to improve your vehicles handling of corners and lane changing when loaded? Do you “feel” like you’re driving around with your rear dragging on the ground? Raise it back up with a Raiz-a-bac.
With Raiz-a-bac your vehicle rides on the coils while being stabilised by leaves (leaf springs), reducing harshness – giving you a comfortable, safe and positive feel at all times.

Raiz-a-bac is a frictionless type of helper spring which increases the carrying capacity* of your vehicle without compromising the ride comfort. Made in Australia to suit Australian conditions! Allowing you to have complete confidence and trust in the quality and longevity of all raiz-a-bac products. Raiz-a-bac provides significant increases in comfort and stability when travelling on rough, gravel roads or cornering and lane changing around town, the city or at highway speeds. Raiz-a-bac was developed specifically for the tradesman. Designed to suit work on Monday or beach on Sunday. They are simple, robust and hassle free!! -No leaks or adjustments. Just put them on and forget them.
Would you like to improve your vehicles stability when loaded? Would you like to improve your vehicles handling of corners and lane changing when loaded? Do you “feel” like you’re driving around with your rear dragging on the ground? Raise it back up with a Raiz-a-bac.
Raises the sagging rear on your loaded vehicle
Raises the sagging rear on your loaded vehicle. Enhances safety, drivability, comfort and performance of your vehicle.
Increases load carrying ability of vehicle*
Improved stability and handling when loaded! Ride Comfort is maintained or improved!
Australian Made To Suit AUstralian Conditions
We offer a lifetime warranty on the Raiz-a-bac supplementary coil spring suspension kit!
Bolt on D.I.Y kit. That’s right! No removing bump stops or changing the way your vehicle is built. No unbolting axles/leaf springs.
Gives no opportunity for risk of premature tyre wear
Our supplementary Coil Spring Kit gives no opportunity for the risk of premature tyre wear due to improper workmanship often encountered on inferior options.
None or very minimal loss of articulation
Designed to work “in conjunction” with existing rear leaf spring systems. None or very minimal loss of articulation — unlike most other supplementary kits.
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